Custom Solar Shades Made By the Industry Leader Sunesta
Enjoy this video of a large solar screen shades project on campus at the University of New Hampshire.
These motorized roller screens transform this Memorial Union Building cafeteria into a great multi-media room.
Light-colored Solar Screen Shades
Light colored fabrics are more effective at reflecting heat, and allow more visible light into the room. Fabrics that block 80-90% of the visible light are an excellent choice for providing more light where windows are small, and in common areas where a lig
hter, brighter ambience is desired. Light is filtered, and view through the fabric is not as vivid as looking through a darker colored fabric. This is perfect if you desire a softer view, like the neighbors yard with all the kids toys left out.
Dark-colored Solar Screen Shades
Dark fabrics provide excellent glare control by reducing the visible light that comes through the fabric. Fabrics that block 94%-96% of the visible light provide excellent glare control characteristics, and will absorb some heat and keep it at the window until it dissipates into the room. In applications where passive solar warming and glare control are desired, dark colored solar screen fabrics give optimal view through clarity. A perfect choice if you wish to preserve your pristine view.
Take a look at our beautiful, functional, and reliable Sunesta retractable screens